Tuesday, October 11, 2011

At least it didn't fall in the toilet...

It could always be worse.
It could always be worse.
It could always be worse.

That's my mantra for the day and the only thing that is keeping me from having a full blown panic attack.

I had my pre-op interview for my gallbladder surgery today.  Who knew you had to pass a test in order to have a body part removed?  Well, you do.  And the questions are intense.  I can't remember what I ate yesterday for lunch, how am I supposed to remember when I last took an ibuprofen?  

Meeting with the anesthesiologist didn't exactly give me the warm and fuzzies either, she went through the laundry list of all the things that could possibly go wrong then asked me to sign the form that said I was okay with all of that.  Yikes.  
Thank God I have excellent insurance!
Last stop was being sent to the lab for blood tests and the lovely peeing in a cup.  While I took care of business I balanced my paperwork, wallet and IPhone on the edge of the sink.  Which is actually kind of funny since I preach to my children constantly to never, ever leave anything electronic next to sink, blah, blah, blah.  It was like slow motion as I watched my phone slowly slide off the edge of the sink into the bowl.  Now I don't know about anyone else but in order to get one of those sink "turn on" sensors to go usually I have to dance in front of it.  Apparently an IPhone is the perfect trigger though.  And it wasn't just a little trickle of water.  This was a full on, heavy duty hospital faucet pouring water on what I consider my link to the universe.  I'm not going to lie.  I cried.  Freaking perfect.

The good news is that several hours later, a bag of rice, and a big hug from my husband, the phone now works and I feel a little better.  The rest of the day was uneventful so apparently I didn't tick off karma as much as I could have.  Didn't get my run in but I'm not going to beat myself up over it.  I can't wait until all this surgery business is done so I can get back to my "normal" life with my "normal" plans.  

So I've come to the conclusion that all there is left to do is go to bed.  Everything looks better after a good night's sleep, right?

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