Monday, October 3, 2011

Skewed Priorities

                                                               (courtesy of I <3 to Run)

I thrive on being busy.  I'm incredibly obsessive about calendars and schedules.  Yes, I admit it, I have huge compulsive organizational issues.  But this morning a certain someone that I love dearly reminded me that not everyone else feels the same way I do.  I look at my full October calendar and smile while others would feel incredibly overwhelmed by how busy my family is every. single. day. of our lives.

Of course when we get busy the main priorities shift to kids, work and other kinds of important things like food in the house and clean underwear.  Fitness (and sometimes showers) take a backseat to life.  While I fully support households full of clean underwear, wouldn't it make better sense sometimes to put off doing the laundry for an hour and go for a run or bike ride? And you can even start the laundry before you go if you really need to.  After all, once you put it in the machine these days, it takes care of itself for about 30-60 minutes, right?  

I really think that overwhelmed feeling that we get sometimes is more psychological than the reality of our lives.  For example, you're on here reading this blog right now (thank you, thank you!), you're on Facebook, Twitter, whatever your flavor is in the social media world.  What else could you be doing right now?  How much time per day do you honestly (key word: HONESTLY) spend per day in front of a glowing box?  It's so easy to get sucked in by saying I'll just check my Facebook really quickly and then suddenly, poof, one hour of your life is gone that you're never going to get back!  I think all of our time is worth more than that.  So when I hear people make excuses like "I'm so tired.  I don't have time to workout. There aren't enough hours in the day" I think to myself, have you even tried to prioritize yourself and your fitness today?

That's right, I said it!! YOURSELF, not your kids, your husband, your wife or whoever else you feel the need to take care of!  For me, that meant getting up at 5am today and hopping on the treadmill if I really wanted to fit my run in.  Anyone who knows me knows I am NOT a morning person but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.  If we don't take care of ourselves first, we cannot take care of anyone else.  It's just not possible.  And we hear that message all the time, the Biggest Loser makes millions per year on that concept, but so many people never take it to heart.  Yup, you're probably going to make someone upset along the journey of prioritizing you first, people do not like relationship changes. Remember though, anyone who can't see that you need to be healthy and happy and resents you because of positive life changes could actually be a toxic person that you don't need in your life.

We're all worth more than we give ourselves credit for and if we don't make time to become happier, healthier people it's our own one else' matter what.  Take responsibility for yourself and your fitness.  It's amazing the incredible things that you can accomplish when you do! :)

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