Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday Favorites: An Obsession with Coffee Creamer

I try to eat healthy but it doesn't always work out exactly how I plan.  Between my husband and I working different hours and shifts, somewhat picky kids, tons of sports and other types of commitments and our training schedules easy sometimes trumps healthy.

Since I was diagnosed with a low functioning gallbladder, I pretty much had to cut all the fat and processed foods out of my diet until the surgery to avoid pain.  It was hard at first but when french fries = bent over painful agony, you'll condition yourself to choose an apple every time!
Why do you taunt me, sweet pink cupcake??
Now that I'm recovered from my surgery, I've started adding healthy fats back into my diet but I've decided that since I'm over the craving stages, the processed foods can stay gone.  Especially since the "experimental" pink frosted birthday cupcake I ate last night made me feel sick, it's just not worth it to me right now.

The one thing that I refused to compromise on though was my morning coffee creamer.  I only drink one cup of coffee per day, made with my Keurig.  And it must be light and sweet.  Up until this week, International Delights Caramel Macchiato non-dairy creamer was the go-to for my sweet fix.  But even though it tastes delicious, I know chemically modified non-dairy creamer isn't going to help in my clean(er) eating quest.

I was discussing my dilemma last weekend with my mom-in-law and she asked if I'd seen the Natural Bliss Creamers that Coffee Mate is making now.  And that they had Caramel flavor!  Score!!

So I tracked it down at my local Price Chopper grocery store (I saw they have it at Walmart too) and took it home to try.  And promptly fell in love!
Now if you avoid dairy, stay away because this definitely has all sorts of real dairy goodness in it!  It's creamy and fabulous and I can pronounce all the words on the label so feel no guilt about enjoying it every morning!  Yippee!
Things I actually recognize as food!
They have vanilla and sweet cream flavors too, for those of you who don't love caramel. (But really, who doesn't love caramel??)

In other news - I get my stitches out this afternoon and will get the verdict on when I'm allowed to run and strength train again.  Keep your fingers crossed for me and my sanity that it is soon!

Also, check out the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge 2011 that my fellow blogger Amanda at RunToTheFinish is hosting!  It starts November 19 and runs through January 6, just enough time to make sure your festivities don't derail your fitness goals!  She also has some incredible prizes and it's open to all levels of fitness...make sure you take a look!!  Of course, I intend to kick butt and win so enter at your own competitive risk!! :)

Hope your Friday is a fabulous one! :)

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