Well, maybe not everyone. But I'm pretty sure most of the people in my life that I interact with on a daily basis think I've gone crazy.
I'm revamping my lifestyle.
I've thought for a long time about what I want to achieve but haven't gone out in the world and done the work that I needed to in order to achieve my goals. Honestly, I never even told most people about some of my goals, mostly because I was afraid that I'd fail. But I'm sick of being scared of failure. I've decided that it's time to go after exactly what I want.
I want to run faster. I want to compete at races. I want to lose some weight. I want to be fitter. I want to be able to see my muscle tone in places other than my legs. I want a sick set of abs. I want to help people become fitter too. I want to become a personal trainer. I want to coach runners and teach people to learn to love running. I want to plan and execute incredible racing events. I want to be self employed and self sufficient.
Not asking for much, right?
But wanting and doing are two completely different things. So I've stopped wanting and starting doing.
And that is what's making all the people in my life think I've gone nuts.
I'm increasing my weekly mileage. I'm building back up my base. This really doesn't strike people as odd since they're used to me running. Plus it helps to have a husband, mother-in-law and lots of good friends who are runners too.
What's really causing people to be concerned or, in some cases, feel sorry for me, is my diet changes. I've decided that the reason that I've never been as successful as I want to be is because I never truly changed my diet. I lied to myself and pretended I did but never really committed. And we all know that you can exercise forever but if you eat junk no progress will be made.
The thing that I've found hardest about changing my diet to eat natural, clean foods is that it goes against what so many people consider "normal". I'm not becoming a vegetarian but I've cut out a lot of meat. I've cut out highly processed foods and anything where I can't pronounce an ingredient on the label. I've cut out foods that I don't feel give me enough nutritional value. I've added more natural foods, quinoa being one of my new favorites.
Another thing I've found is that everyone wants to give me advice about the food I eat. I realize they mean well but I assure everyone, I've done my homework, I eat plenty of calories, protein, carbs, whatever. If you know nothing about nutrition, please don't offer unsolicited advice. I don't go around lecturing people about eating McDonald's or drinking gallons of soda. (Exception to this my mom, she's a nutritionist therefore her opinion counts...plus she's my mom, so duh, her opinion always counts!)
I guess the reason everyone thinks I'm crazy to eat like this is because it's far from the "normal" way our society eats. That's kind of sad to me. Why do people think it's so insane to eat healthy? To eat food that hasn't been over processed?
I know since I've made a true effort to eat cleanly I feel so much better. I have a ton more energy. I just plain feel good. I know I'm doing the right thing for me.
I feel like I can accomplish anything right now and that I can reach all the goals I've set for myself.
So that's exactly what I'm going to do! :)