Friday, November 11, 2011

1 Pound = 4 Sticks of Butter

I have a confession to make. 

I step on my scale every. single. morning.  

I know you're only supposed to step on it once a week because weight can fluctuate.  I know that the number on the scale is not the most important factor in my quest to be the healthiest person I can be.  But knowing that I have to face the scale every morning reminds me that every day counts, that no work out or meal is unimportant and that everything I do (or don't do) accumulates in the end.   

And as of today, I've lost 13 pounds.

Which is huge for me.

It's hard sometimes to get excited these days about a "normal" amount of weight loss.  So much revolves around Biggest Loser-type numbers, but for us mere mortals losing 10 pounds in one week is not likely or healthy.  These 13 pounds have taken a month and a half to disappear, not 1 or 2 weeks.  But I've still worked hard for them.  I've replaced useless fat with lean muscle.  I've eaten healthy, natural foods and never EVER starved my body.  I've ran miles and miles.  

And the purpose of my weight loss is not "to get skinny".  It's to become the strongest, healthiest person I can be and improve my running PRs.

So for all of us working hard to lose "just" a couple of pounds, who feel that they aren't getting anywhere by losing "only" 1 or 2 pounds per week and who want to give up and dive back into their previously unhealthy lifestyle, remember this:

1 Pound = 4 Sticks of Butter

Picture it.  Or go to your fridge and take out that box of butter or margarine and look at it.  By losing 1 pound, that's the equivalent of the amount of weight you've removed from your body.  That's no small accomplishment.

By losing "just" 13 pounds, I've melted 52 sticks of butter from my body. 

Everyone's journey to fitness is different.  Just remember that no achievement is too small to celebrate! :)

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